Joshi Kouhei v01-07 (END)

Kept you waiting, huh? Here are the last couple volumes of Joshi Kouhei for your reading pleasure. Some minor revisions were made to the previous volumes, so if you're archiving them or uploading torrents, be sure to grab those. I didn't bother with v2 v3 whatever, just consider these Final (hopefully).

On that note, I really hate Mangadex's new design. Let's take the site down for 6 months, come back without a comments section, a forum, or apparently even the ability to add new series, and our lips firmly pressed on the nutsack of some Chinese webtoon company. Geez.

As for the status of the scanlation group, we're effectively in our twilight years. Mostly everyone has moved on, are too busy, or even got jobs in the manga publishing industry (go check out Glacier Bay Books and Star Fruit Books while you're at it). I'm pretty much the last guy left, and all I do I scan manga and artbooks whenever I feel like it. I'll still be around if anyone needs something, but you probably won't see any projects from us anytime soon. Maybe a oneshot or two, who knows. 

I originally started this group as a way to wrangle anonymous scanlations under a banner that was easy to peruse, because Mangaupdates had a stick up its ass about accepting scanlations that didn't have a group attributed to them and I was bitching in a scanlation thread about it. Thanks to that, I met some talented editors, translators, and scanners who happened to be interested in the same stuff I'm interested in. Because it wasn't really a cohesive group for a while, scanlations came and went at the whims of whoever was available to work on it, and some stuff that probably would have never seen the light of day otherwise ended up scanlated. I ended up scanning a lot of manga over the past 6 or so years, and those raws are out there floating around, perhaps even scanlated by now (Taniguchi Scanlations put out a few things). God knows I've scanned enough Garo to last a while.

As for me, I'm not sure what I want to do in the near future. Maybe disappear and go work on a cargo ship again, that was fun.

It's been fun. See you around.