Garo / AX / etc. Releases & Author Links

Garo (ガロ) was a monthly manga anthology magazine in Japan, founded in 1964 by Nagai Katsuichi. It specialized in alternative and avant-garde manga. From its pages, many cornerstones of the industry were produced. Some names you might recognize include Tsuge Yoshiharu, Maruo Suehiro, Hideshi Hino, Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Nekojiru, Nemoto Takashi, Hanawa Kazuichi, Hayashi Seiichi, Sugiura Hinako, Furuya Usamaru, Yamada Murasaki, Ikegami Ryoichi, Shirato Sanpei, Mizuki Shigeru, Sugisaku J Taro, and other artists such as Tsurita Kuniko, Tani Hiroji, Yamada Hanako, Mitsuhashi Otoya, Sasaki Maki, and Shiriagari Kotobuki that you might not recognize.


Song of Youth Series (少年の詩シリーズ) /  Tanaka Ken (タナカ憲) - Oneshot


Silent Comics - Koma / Namiki Tatsuji (並木達二) - Oneshot
Wakusei (惑星) / Mizuki Shigeru (水木しげる) - Oneshot (anthology)


5-Yen Coin / Mizuki Shigeru (水木しげる) - Oneshot (anthology)


Owarinaki Gogo (終りなき午後) / Watari 24 (渡二十四) - Oneshot (anthology?)U mibe no Machi (うみべのまち) c001 / Sasaki Maki (佐々木マキ) - Oneshot (anthology)


Youkai "Mass Media" / Mizuki Shigeru (水木しげる) - Oneshot (anthology)


Picky (すききらい) / Morishita Hiromi (森下裕美) - Oneshot
Lighter (ライター) / Ozawa Toshikazu (尾沢敏明) - Oneshot (c02 of anthology)
Kappa Love Story (河童の恋) / Momotarou Kotarou (桃太郎 滸太郎) - Oneshot
Exquisite Corpse (編 美しき死体) (partial) / Ebisu Yoshikazu (蛭子能収) - Oneshot (anthology)
Three Months Since You Called Me Mama (ママと呼ばれて三ヶ月) / Nemoto Takashi (根本敬) - Oneshot
The Everyday Routine Son (日常茶飯事の息子) / Nishimura Tomoko (西村朋子)
Puppeteer (人形使い) / Murata Eeiji (村田絵嗣) - Oneshot
A Normal Night (普通の夜) / Izumi Masayuki (泉昌之) - Oneshot


The Park at Night (夜の公園) / Eguchi Mitsumasa (江口満雅) - Oneshot


Wolf Girl Laura (狼少女ローラ) / Nishioka Kyoudai (西岡兄妹) - Oneshot


Mysterious Fly Man / Love Juice from a Bewitching Dream (異界の扉) / Tani Hiroji (谷弘児) - Oneshot (anthology)
AX is the spiritual successor, having been started by former artists and editors of Garo after it collapsed due to the death of Nagai Katsuichi and its ever-present financial woes. Notable artists from AX include Nishioka Bro & Sis, Kago Shintaro, Akinoh Kondoh, Moto Hideyasu, Sakabashira Imiri, and Tomozawa Mimiyo, among others.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome that you're translating these, really a shame that more scanlators don't have an interest in Garo/Ax comics and instead opt for translating inane doujins.
